2025 Junky Monkey

Do you guys know what junky monkey is? junky monkey is an activity that you play with junk like rubbish. you can create anything that you want with junk and be creative becasue you dont get told what to make and  you can make whatever you want. have fun while making stuff and pair up with a friend if you want so thats what junky monkey is. here is some photos.

2025 Me

Hi guys i am a year 7 in room 11 i just started a new year and i like my class and its very good i hope to learn alot this year and improve in my learning. i want to be a better me  i hope you guys have a good year



What does respect mean in Glen Taylor School ? It means being good to your teacher. If your teacher asked you a question, you put your hand up and then you answer the question, don’t just shout it out. If you’re at lunch time or at morning tea playing AlWAYS WERE A HAT.If you’re walking around and you see a piece of rubbish what would you do? That’s right PICK IT UP EVEN IF ITS NOT YOURS.  If you make a mess, clean it up because that’s not showing respect. TREAT SOMEONE THE WAY YOU WOULD WANT TO BE TREATED. Don’t damage the property or you have to pay for it. Don’t interrupt the

teacher. Leave the bikes in a tidy place. When you’re swimming, don’t leave your stuff there.

Maiakalani film festival

yesterday we went to the maiakalani film festival at sylvia park and we watched films. it was Glentaylor and St Patricks it was really short though my favorite film was about these students spilled water but they didnt know who it was. some people sayed a magic bird flew and broke it and some people said that they were danceing and broke it but then… they check the cameras and it was the teacher that broke the cup!



after that we watch some more films it was so boring then when we were done we got back on the bus and we got back to shcool.

vocab about jonah lomu

today I did a vocab about jonah lomu.

if you guys dont know who jonah lomu is let me explain it to yous.

jonah lomu who is a famous sport player who plays rugby the reason we learned about him was because he is brave and never gives up.

he was 40 when he passed away from a heart attack

this is what i learnt from him

Amazing blog posts

Today, I was learning about how to make quality blog posts. You will need to have a good title. You also need to make your writing really good, that it makes sense and there are no spelling mistakes.

Here are the slides I worked on today.

Our PB4L focus is…

today our PB4L focus is respect it is good to be respectful becasue you make friends and you earn peoples trust and they will still be friends with you.But if you dont be respectful people will not be friends with you and they will stay away from you and it can ruin your repution with frends,familys, and people. so be respectful and dont be mean.